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Over the years, Superior State University has developed a wide variety of relationships and affiliations. If you have specific questions about an organization or affiliation, please contact us. In addition, if you need us to help you with an organization to authenticate your work with Superior State University,our local office can help you. We can help with notarizing all your documents from Superior State University.

External Campuses:

External Campuses are supervised and run by Superior State University personal. These campuses may be located in any part of the world and are considered an integral part of Superior State University. Students acquiring credits at these campuses do not need to transfer their credits or degrees. At present, there are Superior State University campuses thruout the world and more are coming on board every month.

There are various levels of association. These levels range from one to five. Number one being a wholly owned and operated school operated by Superior State University trained staff. Number five being a school that has certain programs approved by Superior State University’s evaluation team of professors (see Joint Award System-JAS). Approved programs are awarded with an appropriate Superior State University certificate for the student and a special certificate for the school to be displayed which also can be used for the school’s marketing. Schools between one and five have varying levels of association with Superior State University.

If you know of a school or training center that would like to become a part of the global team of experienced educationalists, please contact us about a formal association. If needed, Superior State University will send a representative or a team to the institution/school to evaluate the programs. Superior State University can help with many aspects of a local schools program, from marketing to expanding their existing programs.