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Mission Statement

Our Mission
At the heart of education should be to improve society. With this goal Superior State Consortium founded the university to carry on its objective of humanizing society. Today, in this troubled world, it is even more important to create understanding between peoples. Most of the trouble between countries and between people is a direct result of a lack of knowledge- a lack of education.


Our Themes

Superior State University has three major themes that carry thru all its programs.
  1. The first is a sincere custodial attitude towards the environment. Without clean water and air the whole of the human race is doomed to live in misery. The Superior State part of the United States is a large area covered in lakes and rivers where the land is fertile and grows a variety of flora and fauna. Beginning in the 1950’s this area was rapidly being polluted. The Superior State Consortium stepped in to counter this devastating trend.
  2. The second topic stressed at Superior State University is Ethics. Morality and honesty, not only in business, but also in life can also make our planet a more livable and comfortable place to reside. Ethics touches so many aspects of life. SSU’s emphasis on adult education puts it in the prime area to affect our future leaders and teach people how to do business and live in this modern world.
  3. The third point stressed at Superior State University is mutual understanding. Terrorism and all other forms of hatred can only be combated with knowledge and understanding. Empathy for your fellow man is easily said but why is it so difficult to implement. Superior State University has students all over the world and we hope this relatively new ‘family’ will instill a sympathetic attitude towards all the peoples. We sincerely hope that this feeling of appreciation between the races will not only spread but will take hold in every corner were ignorance hides. The goals above are very noble but are achievable with hard work.
Only working together can we achieve a peaceful clean world to pass on to our grand children.


Our Purpose
From the beginning, Superior State University’s purpose has been to raise the standard of living of everyone on our planet. We feel that education can and will eliminate all types of prejudices, bigotry and many other ills of society. Even wars can be abolished thru education! Knowledge can be a powerful tool for good. Superior State University’s intention is to give as many people as possible enough knowledge to better their circumstances. Superstition kills many people daily thruout the developing world. It is our duty to replace fallacy with the facts.


Our Mission Statement
Our mission in general is to put the best educated most well rounded people out in the world. Superior State University’s purpose is also to follow thru with our students. Most schools hand out the degree and forget about the student. We want to help our students after graduation with job help, with their research, or with networking in their present work. In addition, Superior State University is very conscious of protecting the earth and making our environment an ideal place to raise our children. Knowledge can change perception.

We can make a difference! Now that we are in Asia for the long term, we trust that our students will be the leaders of this new millennium and will make a difference. Superior State University is pushing knowledge even further and is striving to replace hatred with understanding and love. A platitude that must be realized!