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Joint Award System

Joint Award System

In most situations, an institution will contact us about receiving official recognition of their program(s) or their institution. This is a unique system where Superior State University will award credits for courses, seminars, workshops, etc. taken outside of the Superior State University system. Superior State University evaluators will examine a school’s program and physical infrastructure plus the student’s program and see if and how many official academic credits can be awarded to each student and where suitable, offer the Superior State University diploma of the appropriate level i.e. certificate, advanced diploma, degree and etc.

After a thorough study of the institutions program, Superior State University will usually send a professor for a formal signing agreement (Memorandum of Understanding, MOU) with the educational institution. On many occasion Superior State University will send someone to formally award the certificate or diploma at a special graduation ceremony or at the same time as the institute’s graduation. Each institution must submit all appropriate documents for Superior State University’s evaluating team. The JAS is similar to and in many ways overlaps the “External Campuses” system.