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Student Affairs

Student Affairs

The university is dedicated to helping our students succeed, first in their education and then in their lives. There are several methods of helping our students. Entering students are assisted in every way in completing the application, including loan and scholarship forms. No one is penalized for language ability, lack of funds or even not having a computer. Discounted computers are available at subsidized prices or are occasionally given free to our students. Our staff is well qualified and will go out of their way to put you on the right path to a better future. We do not want our students wasting their time and money with courses or programs not needed; therefore, our counselors will strive to analyze each situation to maximize the student’s resources.

The university will also assist students in joining clubs and organizations to further enhance the knowledge of all its students. Study groups and the like are often organized to put students together for net-working and study.

Superior State University will also promptly reply to all enquiries of any nature.

The Mentor Program
The Mentor Program
Once admitted, students have several options. The Mentor Program will put a qualified professional with both academic knowledge and the all-important practical knowledge at the disposal of our students. This program is only available where SSU has been in operation long enough to have an Alumni support staff. SSU is always looking for qualified mentors to support this program, therefore contact SSU if you are interested to be a mentor.

Identification Card
Identification Card
Valid card-carrying students may use all amenities in any of our worldwide campuses such as libraries, computers and other research facilities. All photo ID cards can be used for discounts either on line or in cooperating local stores in the community.

Career Center
Career Center
At Superior State University, our support does not stop when a student graduates. We will help with jobs or even improve the one he or she has (promotions). Networking can make the difference in many jobs. We will help our students contact other worldwide students, either with job information or other interests such as hobbies. In addition, our newsletter will open many paths for our students and graduates.

Superior State University has a form to be filled out for our specialized staff to assist our graduates with jobs and even more than a job- a life fulfilling career.

Clubs and Organization
Clubs and Organization
There are a variety of organization and clubs to which Superior State University encourages its students to enroll. University life, including clubs and organizations, is an integral apart of the total educational experience.

SSU Women's Empowerment Alliance
SSU Women’s Empowerment Alliance
Since it’s founding in the 1970’s, the WEC has been a physical hub of communication and activities for women, men and women/gender oriented groups on campus.

We sponsor various academic, health, social and campus and world wide events and programs. The staff is committed to carrying out the goals outlined in the Women’s Community Center mission statement, and has gained campus-wide recognition such as a collective 2000 James W. Lyons Award for Service.